Following your self analysis you will need to set goals in areas you need to develop.
These will not all be technical related to your academic studies and work placement.
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework, RDF, offers a framework and methodology to structure your development, evidence you collect as well as a host of other facilities for managing your career. You can of course look at the framework and collect all your records on paper as you continue your placement and University course.
Not all domains will be relevent to you at this stage of your career, but by considering these areas now, you will be better palced to develop them later on in your career, when you will become more involved in managing your own projects,stakeholders and sponsors.
Make sure you have development goals in all those areas where you find opportunities achieve them during your placement.
This video is a brief introduction on how to use the RDF framework.
Coulsdon Branch Comrades of the Great War Club Limited
Company number IP08728R incorporated in England and Wales